Frankincense – Star Ingredient
The word “Frankincense” comes from the term “franc incense”, which means pure incense in Old French. Frankincense has been associated with many religions, especially the Christian religion and it was one of the first gifts given to Jesus by the Magi.
This precious resin called sometimes “the pearl of the desert”, is collected either by making an incision in the tree and allowing the resin to flow and harden, or by collecting hardened resin that has flowed naturally from the tree which belongs to Boswellia family.
Frankincense has been (and still is) one of the world’s most treasured commodities since the beginning of written history. At its peak its value rivaled that of gold, the rarest silks and the most precious of gems.
Frankincense oil will immediately induce the feeling of peace, relaxation and satisfaction. Add a few drops of frankincense to a hot bath for stress relief. Some people believe that the fragrance of frankincense can increase your intuition and spiritual connection.
Frankincense, in summary, is one of nature’s most cherished gifts.
Cuvantul “Frankincense” provine din franceza veche “franc encens” si inseamna “tamaie pura”. Frankincense a fost deseori asociata cu diferite religii, in mod special cu religia crestina si a fost unul dintre primele daruri aduse lui Isus de catre magi.
Aceasta rasina pretioasa este numita adeseori “perla desertului”, fiind colectata fie crestand copacul si permitand rasinii sa curga si sa se intareasca, ori culegand rasina intarita care a curs in mod natural din copacul ce face parte din familia Boswellia.
Frankincense a fost si inca esteuna dintre cele mai pretioase marfuri inca de la inceputurile istoriei. In anumite perioade, aceasta era mai scumpa decat aurul, matasurile rare sau cele mai pretioase pietre.
Uleiul de frankincense va aduce imediat sentimentul de pace, relaxare si satisfactie. Adauga cateva picaturi de ulei de frankincese in baia fierbinte pentru eliberarea stresului. Unii oameni cred ca mirosul pe care frankincense il degaja, creste intuitia si conexiunea spirituala.
Pe scurt, frankincense este unul dintre cele mai pretioase daruri pe care natura ni-l ofera.