christian provenzano

CHRISTIAN PROVENZANO, the brilliant nose on guitar accords

Christian Provenzano is a globally renowned and recognized perfumer; but simply, he is a devoted Master of his craft. For Christian, a life in fragrance has been a continuing journey of discovery and inspiration, of creativity and revelation.
This has been demonstrated by the astonishing and outstanding success he has experienced in the last forty years working for the most decadent and renown global brands; the ‘best kept’ secret behind their global and award winning fragrances.
Christian’s journey began as a child. Born and raised in Morocco from Italian parents Christian experienced first hand an exciting and alluring environment, an intoxicating assault on the senses. It was the richness of these scents and smells surrounding and enveloping him as a young child which evoked his excitement and a passion.
This lead to an early appreciation and understanding of essential oils.
Christian Provenzano first developed an interest in perfumery while playing guitar in a band. At the age of 19 he travelled to Amsterdam and began working as a laboratory technician for a parfumeur who told him that he had a “great nose”.
When, as a young man, he started to work at a Dutch perfume house and they agreed to train him as a perfumer, he developed his boundless knowledge through his global travels and unearthing of rare essences and ingredients on a world-wide scale.
Having travelled extensively, Christian is now based in Dubai where he continues to successfully demonstrate his forward and innovative approach to conceiving new fragrances; by expertly blending the finest and the oldest known ingredients, he is able to originate and create new scents of outstanding quality, embracing current trends and setting new standards for the evolving world of fragrance.
Christian Provenzano is highly regarded the world over and he is delighted to personally create a fragrance brand in his own name (which some may say is long overdue!). Welcome to the ‘The Perfumers Collection’ by CP Parfums, his exciting and inaugural award winning niche range.

The recipient of two FiFi Awards, he has composed fragrances for a wide range of luxury fragrance houses including Clive Christian, By Kilian, Boadicea the Victorious and Penhaligon’s and now his “nose” career is crwoned with his own exclusive brand that encapsulates the best of the best in precious ingredients and very high quality accords.

intoxicating; mysterious; elegant
This intoxicating, award winning fragrance, transfers the wearer to a mysterious and dark place, full of depth and shadows, whilst delivering an elegant and beautiful scent based on the stunning patchouli with a unique blend of fresh citrus and spices leaving an alluring yet unpredictable and long lasting aroma on the skin.
WINNER of ‘Best Niche Fragrance 2018’ at the Global Beauty Awards.

sensual; seductive; obsessive
This romantic fragrance, translates literally into English as ‘Honeymoon Night’ and is the perfect fragrance for enduring and eternal love. It envelopes the wearer and those around in a sensual, seductive and obsessive scent. Reminiscent of the scent of a ‘French wedding cake’, it is comprised of strong vanilla, caramel and bitter almond.

serenity; captivating; purity
This captivating scent embodies purity and serenity. Inspired by the beauty of Florentine orris roots, it is infused with powdery musks, vanilla and soft woods all of which transcends the wearer into a tantalizing mix of whimsical innocence, sensual moments and self-indulgent thoughts.

modern; irresistible; unforgettable
Embark on an unforgettable journey, where quite literally ‘East meets West’ through this unmistakable fragrance blended with a refreshing Mediterranean top note and the powerful and enchanting accord of amber gris. This mix creates a modern and irresistible scent that will inspire you to dream of exotic travels and journeys to far flung places.

Christian Prevenzano este un parfumier cunoscut si apreciat pe plan international, un adevarat Maestru dedicat artei sale.
Pentru Christian, parfumeria este o continua calatorie plina de creatie ce iti permite sa descoperi si sa te inspiri.
Acest lucru este demonstrat de succesul uimitor si remarcabil pe care l-a avut in ultimii patruzeci de ani, in timp ce a lucrat pentru cele mai opulente si renumite branduri exclusiviste; “cel mai bine pastrat secret” din spatele multor parfumuri premiate si apreciate mondial.
Calatoria lui Christian in lumea parfumeriei a inceput in copilarie. Nascut in Maroc, Christian a copilarit intr-un mediu captivant si incantator, un adevarat atac intoxicant asupra simturilor. Aroma bogata si vie a mirosurilor ce l-au inconjurat si invaluit a nascut in el o pasiune fara margini – acea pasiune care l-a facut sa renunte la trupa lui in care canta la chitara si a urma un alt drum…. La 19 ani calatoreste in Amsterdam si incepe sa lucreze ca technician de laborator pentru un parfumier care i-a spus ca are un “nas extraordinar”.
Si de aici pana la a deveni el insusi “nas” nu a mai fost cale lunga intrucat pasiunea sa ardenta pentru mirosuri si arome l-a ghidat pe calea succesului.
Desi a calatorit extraordinar de mult, Christian locuieste acum in Dubai unde continua sa demonstreze cu succes abordarea sa inovativa in crearea de parfumuri – statement; prin combinarea celor mai bune si rare ingrediente, acesta a putut crea parfumuri de o calitate extraordinara, folosind trendurile curente in parfumerie dar, in acelasi timp, setand noi standarde in industria parfumeriei, mereu in schimbare.
Christian Provenzano este unul dintre cei mai apreciati oameni in parfumerie pe plan mondial si este extrem de fericit ca a putut crea un brand ce ii poarta numele; un brand ce i-a adus premii importante in lumea parfumeriei de nisa.
Detinator a doua premii FIFI, Christian a creat parfumuri pentru o varietate de branduri de nisa precum: Clive Christian, Penhaligon’s, By Kilian si Boadicea the Victorious. Iar acum cariera sa atinge apogeul prin crearea propriului brand de parfumuri exclusiviste ce incununeaza cariera sa de parfumier si inglobeaza tot ce e mai pretios in acorduri si ingrediente in parfumeria de arta.

intoxicant, misterios, elegant
Acest parfum intoxicant, castigatorul premiului “Cel mai bun parfum de nisa 2018” acordat la Gala Premiilor Global Beauty Awards te transfera intr-un loc intunecat si misterios, profund si plin de umbre, si in acelasi timp produce o aroma eleganta bazata pe minunatul patchouli impreuna cu un blend de citrice si condimente, lasand in urma pe piele un miros ademenitor, neprevizibil si de lunga durata.

senzual, seducator, obsesiv
Acest parfum romantic, al carui nume se traduce ca “Noapte din Luna de Miere”, este parfumul perfect pentru dragostea eterna. Il imbraca pe cel care il poarta intr-un miros senzual, seductiv si obsesiv. Reamintind de mirosul unui tort de nunta frantuzesc, acest parfum contine note de vanilie, caramel si migdala amara.

linistit, captivant, pur
Acest parfum captivant intruchipeaza puritatea si linistea. Inspirat de frumusetea radacinii de orris Florentin, este infuzat cu mosc, vanilie si note lemnoase suave, care impreuna transfera pe cel care-l poarta intr-un mix de inocenta, momente senzuale si ganduri indulgente.

modern, irezistibil, memorabil
Porneste intr-o calatorie memorabila, unde “Estul intalneste Vestul” cu ajutorul acestui parfum inconfundabil cu note Mediteraneene si acorduri fascinante de ambra gri. Acest mix creaza o aroma moderna si irezistibila care te va inspira sa visezi la calatorii in locuri exotice si indepartate.

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