Dominique Ropion to receive Lifetime Achievement, Perfumer Award
The Fragrance Foundation has announced the recipient of its 2019 Lifetime Achievement, Perfumer Award—International Flavors & Fragrances (IFF) master perfumer Dominique Ropion.
Over a career spanning three decades, Ropion has worked on a lot of iconic fragrances including Lalique’s Le Parfum Lalique. He is known in the industry for his passion mentoring young talent, and offered insights into the industry in his 2018 book Aphorisms of a Perfumer.
“I’m proud of receiving this Award and am eager to see future generations of perfumers receive it in a few decades! A perfume contains endless combinations with the power to rouse the most diverse sensibilities. They’re definitely worth dedicating a lifetime of creation!” said Ropion.
“We are thrilled to honor master perfumer Dominique Ropion with his well-deserved Lifetime Achievement, Perfumer Award,” added Linda G. Levy, president of The Fragrance Foundation. “The Fragrance Foundation Awards celebrate amazing achievements in fragrance each year, and we look forward to celebrating the vast achievements of Dominique.”
Ropion will receive the honor at the 2019 Fragrance Foundation Awards, to be held June 5, 2019 at Lincoln Center in New York City.
The Fragrance Foundation tocmai ce a anuntat ca si castigator al premiului “Lifetime Achievement” este nimeni altul decat Dominique Ropion – parfumier la Internation Flavors & Fragrances (IFF).
Cu o cariera mai lunga de trei decenii, Ropion a creat o multitudine de parfumuri acum iconice, printre care si Le Parfum Lalique. Acesta este cunoscut in industrie pentru pasiunea sa de a fi mentorul tinerelor talente. In cartea sa “Aphorisms of a Perfumer” acesta ofera detalii despre industria parfumurilor.
“Sunt foarte mandru sa primesc acest premiu si sunt nerabdator sa privesc cum generatiile viitoare de parfumieri il vor primii si ei peste decenii! Un parfum contine combinatii infinite ce au puterea de a starni chiar si cele mai diverse sensibilitati. Cu adevarat merita sa iti dedici viata creatiei lor!” spune Ropion.
“Suntem incantati sa-l onoram pe marele maestro parfumier Dominique Ropion cu premiul Lifetime Achievement pentru Parfumieri”, spune Linda G. Levy, presedintele The Fragrance Foundation. “Premiilor The Fragrance Foundation sarbatoresc anual cele mai uimitoare realizari din industria parfumeriei, si suntem nerabdatori sa sarbatorim realizarile lui Dominique.”
Domnique Ropion va primi premiul de onoare la Gala Premiilor The Fragrance Foundation, ce va avea loc pe data de 5 Iunie, 2019, la Lincoln Center in New York City.